Pregnancy is an incredible time filled with anticipation and joy, but also brings various changes. From morning sickness to cravings, your mouth might experience some changes, too. While you’re focusing on your overall well-being, it’s essential not to forget about your dental health.

Most expectant mothers do not know the impact pregnancy can have on their oral health. For pregnant women, it’s important to know the link between pregnancy and dental health and how being pregnant can affect it.

The Connection Between Pregnancy and Dental Health

Understanding the impact of pregnancy on dental health - Spring Creek Dental

When you’re pregnant, your body undergoes many changes, including your mouth! The rise in hormones like estrogen and progesterone makes your gums more sensitive and prone to swelling and bleeding, which is called “pregnancy gingivitis.”

But hormones are not the only ones to blame; morning sickness can also lead to dental problems during pregnancy. The acid from throwing up can wear away the protective layer on your teeth, making them sensitive and more likely to get cavities.

How Does Dental Health Affect Your Pregnancy?

Dental or oral health refers to the health of the mouth, teeth, and gums. It’s an essential part of overall health and especially important during pregnancy. Pregnancy can increase the chances of having dental problems, which can further affect your child’s overall well-being.

For instance, some research shows that gum disease can result in having a baby too early, which is called preterm birth. Babies born too early might face more health challenges when compared to babies born at the right time.

By taking good care of your dental health when pregnant, you can increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby.

What Causes Dental Problems During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy and Dental Problems

Maintaining oral wellness during pregnancy: Insights from Spring Creek Dental

When you’re pregnant, hormonal changes in your body can make you more likely to have the following dental problems—

1. Cavities: Pregnant women may be more prone to cavities due to changes in diets (like increased carbohydrate and sugar intake). Morning sickness can also cause more acid in the mouth. Sometimes, pregnant women might forget to care for their teeth like usual. If these cavities aren’t taken care of, they could lead to more problems with the teeth.

2. Mercury Fillings: It’s important to treat cavities, but only with fillings that don’t contain mercury. Mercury fillings might not be safe, as they can restrict the development of your baby’s brain and other organs, resulting in a high-risk pregnancy.

3. Gingivitis: The most common condition expecting mothers may face is pregnancy gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums that can cause swelling and tenderness. Your gums may bleed during brushing or flossing. This is due to the increased level of hormones that enhance blood flow to the gum tissue and affect the body’s response to the toxins (plaque).

4. Loose Teeth: Pregnancy hormones can loosen the tissues and bones that hold your teeth in place, resulting in tooth loss.

5. Periodontal Disease: When left untreated, gingivitis can escalate into periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease. Periodontitis during pregnancy increases the chance of preterm birth and low-birth-weight babies. Therefore, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as gingivitis symptoms appear.

6. Pregnancy Tumors: Sometimes, pregnant women, especially during their second trimester, might see big lumps on their gums called “pregnancy tumors.” These lumps might not lead to oral cancer but happen because of too much plaque on the teeth. Usually, they go away after the baby is born, but if they hurt, consult your dental expert right away.

7. Tooth Erosion: Vomiting from morning sickness can expose your teeth to stomach acid, damaging the enamel of your teeth.

Taking care of your teeth and gums during pregnancy is essential for your and your baby’s health. If you’re pregnant and need dental treatment, make sure to talk to your dentist about the safest options available.

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Dental Problems

Exploring the connection between pregnancy and oral health - Spring Creek Dental

If you notice any signs or symptoms of dental issues, getting help is important. The following are some signs and symptoms of dental problems:

1. Mouth sores or lumps on gums

2. Red, swollen, or tender gums that bleed easily

3. Receding gums or pus along the gum line

4. Gaps between teeth

5. Toothache or pain

6. Loose teeth

7. Bad breath

If you’re in pain or notice swelling, contact your dentist immediately. Getting a quick treatment is important to prevent problems for you and your baby if there’s an infection.

How Do I Know Its Time to See a Dental Expert?

When you find out you’re pregnant, visit your dentist. Tell them how far along you are and if you have any health problems or are at high risk of pregnancy. Your dentist will check your teeth and gums and plan your oral care accordingly.

If you’re considering getting pregnant, it’s a good idea to see your dentist first. They can fix any dental problems that might cause issues during your pregnancy.

Dental Tips for Moms-to-Be

Dental care tips for expecting mothers: Spring Creek Dental

Here are some simple tips to keep your smile healthy and your baby safe:

Are You Pregnant and Concerned About Your Dental Health? Spring Creek Dental Can Help

How pregnancy affects dental health: Spring Creek Dental

Looking after your teeth during pregnancy is important for you and your baby. You can keep your smile healthy by brushing and flossing regularly, eating healthy foods, and seeing your dentist often.

However, if you’re pregnant and worried about your dental health, remember Spring Creek Dental is here to help. Our team understands expectant mothers’ unique needs and can provide safe and effective dental care tailored to your specific situation.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance in maintaining a healthy smile, overall health, and your baby’s well-being throughout your pregnancy. Your dental health is our priority, and we’re here to support you.


1. Can I have a dental cleaning while pregnant?

Yes, it’s safe to get a dental cleaning during pregnancy. It’s important to keep your teeth and gums healthy while you’re expecting.

2. Are dental x-rays safe during pregnancy?

Yes, according to the American Dental Association, dental X-rays are considered safe during pregnancy. They can help find problems like cavities or infections that need treatment. While there’s no evidence they cause birth defects, if you’re worried, talk to your dentist. They can decide if X-rays are necessary and if they can be delayed.

3. Is anesthesia safe during pregnancy?

Anesthesia in the first trimester might result in early miscarriage. If you need dental work that requires anesthesia, like a filling, it’s best to wait until the second trimester to have it done. Talk to your dental professional about the safest options available for you and your baby.