If you have any discomfort or swelling in your gum or spitting blood after brushing or flossing, your body may be trying to tell you something is wrong. It could be the starting of gum disease. It is natural for you to wonder, “How to cure gum disease without a dentist.” Home remedies are a cheap and very effective way to treat gum disease; catching it early can help. The first step toward treating periodontitis is practicing good oral hygiene regularly.

Any pain can be annoying and irritating. Your teeth and gums work more than most of your other organs. The teeth and gums might lose vitality with regular usage, aging, and dental trauma. Although the dentist can advise you on how to treat gum disease, you can also try some home remedies.

Continue reading to learn about “how to cure gum disease without a dentist” using home remedies. 

What is Periodontitis?

Periodontitis, also known as gum disease or periodontal disease, starts when bacteria grow in your mouth and can lead to tooth loss if not treated correctly. The tissue surrounding your teeth can be destroyed during the progression of the disease.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Although gum disease can progress without pain and with few noticeable signs, there are still warning signs that may indicate the presence of the disease. Symptoms of periodontal disease may be subtle, but they are present and should not be ignored. The symptoms of gum disease include:

Causes of Gum Disease

How to Cure Gum Disease Without a Dentist

Seeking professional treatment from dental professionals is crucial in controlling and treating gum disease and infections. However, incorporating natural remedies into your overall strategy can also help.

Acting quickly at the first signs of a problem is essential to maintain healthy teeth. Swelling and tooth loss are symptoms of severe gum disease; in certain cases, more than 80% of the bone may already be damaged before teeth begin to shift.

For those who are just beginning to notice bleeding without any pain or looseness, home treatments can help control gum disease.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that can potentially decrease inflammation. It may help combat the immune system’s inflammatory response to oral bacteria, ultimately reducing damage to gums and the jawbone. The polyphenols found in green tea can also hinder the growth of bacteria, reducing gum inflammation.

Drinking green tea is a healthy alternative to coffee and may improve overall health. However, those sensitive to caffeine should be cautious, as green tea contains approximately 28 mg of caffeine per cup compared to coffee’s 96 mg. Adding a couple of servings of green tea to your diet is recommended daily.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, a gentle antiseptic, is commonly used to prevent skin infections caused by minor cuts and scrapes. Swishing with diluted hydrogen peroxide can also help alleviate minor mouth irritations and eliminate bacteria that may contribute to gum disease.

A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can be purchased at a pharmacy and diluted with 50% water. Diluted hydrogen peroxide can also be used with a water flosser, such as a Waterpik, to flush harmful bacteria around the teeth and under the gums. This method can help remove and kill bacteria that cause oral health issues.

Aloe Vera


Aloe vera has a rich history of treating skin scrapes and burns, but it’s also been found to be useful in oral care. Research has shown that aloe vera is as effective as two commercial toothpastes at reducing disease-causing bacteria. Aloe vera gel can also aid in healing after gum surgery, leading to faster healing and less discomfort.

If you have sore or swollen gums, aloe vera may provide relief. It’s crucial to use the right type of aloe vera as not all species are medicinally beneficial. Ensure that the product is 100% pure. For the rinse, swish for 30 seconds, brush, and spit. You may also apply the gel directly and gently massage the gums.

Turmeric Paste

Turmeric Paste

Research has indicated that turmeric, a spice frequently utilized in curry dishes, possesses anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit the entire body. Furthermore, it has been shown to possess both antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

There are various methods to incorporate turmeric into one’s diet and health routine, such as adding it as a seasoning to food or by taking an oral supplement that is highly absorbable for optimal effectiveness.

Sage Mouthwash

Sage Mouthwash

Mouthwashes with high alcohol content can dry out the mouth, forming more bacterial plaque. However, rinses containing sage have been shown to soothe inflamed gums.

Using sage mouthwash daily can help decrease the bacteria that cause dental plaque. You can make your sage rinse by simmering fresh or dried sage in boiling water, straining it, and storing it in a bottle for twice daily use.


Using a saltwater solution is a natural way to disinfect the mouth and eliminate bacteria that cause gum disease.

Additionally, it can help reduce inflammation in the mouth. Salt can also help to reduce swelling by drawing out excess fluids. If you have a gum abscess and are seeking a home remedy, warm salt water can be a good place to start.

Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass Oil

Using a mouthwash that contains a small amount of lemongrass oil can be effective in reducing bacterial plaque levels. In fact, research has shown that a rinse containing 0.25% lemongrass oil can be more effective at reducing plaque than Chlorhexidine gluconate, a proven antibacterial rinse commonly used to treat gum inflammation.

Making your own lemongrass oil rinse at home is quick and easy, but it’s important to be careful as it can be potent. To create the lemongrass oil rinse, all you need to do is mix two to three drops of lemongrass oil into a cup of water, swish the mixture around in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out. It’s recommended to start with just one drop and gradually increase if it doesn’t cause any irritation to the lining of your mouth.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Using sodium bicarbonate can benefit your teeth and gums as it can fight against harmful oral bacteria, neutralize acids that cause inflammation and damage, and even brighten your smile by breaking down stains.

You can create a paste by mixing a small amount of baking soda with water and gently brushing your teeth. However, it’s important to note that while sodium bicarbonate can be effective, it’s still crucial to incorporate other anti-bacterial compounds into your oral hygiene routine for optimal results. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Swishing your mouth with coconut oil for an extended period may help gum disease, but there’s not much credible research to support it. 

Daily Brushing and Flossing

a women with Brushing and Flossing

Brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing remain among the most effective home remedies for maintaining good oral health.

By removing plaque and disrupting the bacteria that thrive on teeth and gums, you can eliminate the primary cause of gum disease. Since bacteria multiply quickly in the mouth, it is crucial to consistently make brushing and flossing a part of your daily routine, both in the morning and at night.

When You Should See a Doctor

When You Should See a Doctor

It is important to seek treatment for gingivitis as soon as possible to increase the chances of a quick and full recovery. If left untreated, gingivitis can cause significant damage to the teeth and lead to other health issues.

You should consult with your doctor or dentist if you experience the following symptoms:

The dental hygienist can teach you how to use dental tools and products to maintain healthy gums properly. Your dentist may also schedule additional cleanings and guide you on maintaining good oral hygiene.


If you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease, you may think, “How to cure gum disease without a dentist.” You can treat periodontitis using home remedies, but if the home remedies don’t give you relief, you should consider going to a dentist. Contact the specialists of Spring Creek Dental and get rid of periodontitis efficiently.